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Foshan Textile Industrial Park

Foshan Textile Industrial Park is located in Foshan City, China. It is a modern textile production park covering an area of 30,000 square 

meters. It is home to multiple large-scale textile production companies with more than 50,000 employees. The average daily traffic flow 

reaches more than 1,000 vehicles, and the number of vehicles entering and exiting is large. This results in extremely difficult 

management and the inability to effectively arrange the vehicles required for production, resulting in low efficiency of vehicle entry and 

exit, competition for parking lot resources and other issues.

The investment in Hailian cloud-controlled license plate recognition equipment for the three entrances and three exits of this project has 

directly improved the traffic efficiency, improved the efficiency of all property management, made customer services comprehensive and 

convenient, realized networked and digital management, and realized mobile payment for foreign vehicles. A series of intelligent 

operations realize unattended booths.

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